“This is the first time I am reading the Qur'an. I liked it because it taught me how to go faster in reading. When I learn how to read the Qur'an better it helps me with my memorization. It gave me a head start for Hifdh School. My favorite part was when I recognize the ayahs I read. I would recommend this program to someone else because it helps people get more fluent in their reading. Having support from a teacher made me more confident.”
- Israa Jama (Khairukum 2021 Student)
“I am so thankful as I feel that I got the opportunity to read the most out of the Quran in a short time frame. The teacher was patient, attentive, and took the time to listen and correct my mistake. I crave to come to the reading class daily. I have paid for classes before but I feel that I practice my reading better in this format. I'm now more confident about my reading and read more on my own even though I have a long way to go, I am more comfortable reading the Quran. Jazakalahu khayran. May Allah reward the teacher and the students for their efforts. Amine. That is my first time participating in this program but I hope it will be offered continuously during Ramadan or other times. Thank you.”
- Awa Ndoye (Khairukum 2021 Student)
“Alhamdulilah! I'm thankful to Allah for having the opportunity to participate in the circle. Ma shaa Allah! My recitation has improved and my confidence level for reciting out loud among sisters that I'm not familiar with has increased. May Allah reward the organizers and the teachers with a station in Jennatul Firdaus.”
- Marnice Williams (Khairukum 2021 Student)
“These sessions have been of great benefit to me. I appreciate all the feedback and insights I get from brother Meenal to improve my reading. I can’t thank you enough for having put this program for us to engage daily with the Book of Allah. May Allah reward you all with the best of all rewards here and in the hereafter. Ameen.”
- Abdoul Kadir (Khairukum 2021 Student)
“My experience with Khairukum has been phenomenal - Alhamdulillah, myself and my students have benefitted from it tremendously. The students have not only increased in their fluency and reading skills, but also in their confidence and love of reading. Khairukum is different because no one is turned away, and we as teachers benefit and reward from that immensely. Khairukum is a program that will inshaAllah result in the next generation of community leaders, reciters, and Muslims who will be motivated to read on a daily basis, implement what they read in their lives, and be inspired to teach others in the near future.”
- Samir Kabir (Khairukum 2021 Facilitator)
“This session increased my Quran recitation speed and improved my Tajweed, also rectified my mistakes.”
- Mohideen Khaja (Khairukum 2021 Student)
“The Khairukum program has been amazing! It’s the first Ramadan in years where I’m not rushing to finish the Quran. I love blocking off the time to join others only for the sake of reading Allah’s book. I hope to continue even after Ramadan.”
- Amal Saadat (Khairukum 2021 Student)
“Alhamdulillah, may Allah reward you infinitely and bless you with the highest level of Jannah. Words are just insufficient to express my gratitude for this opportunity. It provided remarkable motivation to achieve my goals and endless peace to my heart. Our leader/instructor was wonderful, and the event flowed punctually and flawlessly each and every day. JazaakAllahu Khairan!”
- Gulnur Utku (Khairukum 2021 Student)
“Khairukum has been very beneficial for my kids in connecting them with the Quran this Ramadan Alhamdulillah!”
- Maryam (Parent of Khairukum 2021 students)
“The Khairukum Quran Circles was an amazing spiritual boost this Ramadan Alhamdullilah! As a busy student, ever since Ramadan began coinciding with the school year I struggled to consistently do a khatam of the Quran every year. This was my first time in several years actually finishing the Quran in Ramadan, and Khairukum was what helped me do it. JazakumAllahuKhairan to all the organizers who made this possible!”
- Fatima Younis (Khairukum 2021 Facilitator)
“MashaAllah, this initiative is a really wonderful way of staying consistent with reading the Quran. Reading along with other people created a nice atmosphere as well, Alhamdulillah.”
- Fatimah Karim (Khairukum 2021 Student)
“I really enjoyed my group. The sisters were very supportive and considerate and understanding and alhamdulillah I feel like we bonded by the end of the month. I would definitely recommend others to join the program.”
- Amatullah Saafir (Khairukum 2021 Student)
“Mashallah it was great. Improved my Quran throughout Ramadan. May Allah ï·» reward my teacher for listening to my mom and I and help us fix our mistakes while reciting. In Shaa Allah may Allah ï·» reward those as well who made this possible and grant us all Jannat Al Firdous.”
- Salma (Khairukum 2021 Student)
“Khairukum was the best gift in Ramadan for me. I had a schedule and a lot of support from my teacher. We had a great time with Quran together Alhamdulillah!”
- Saadia Husain (Khairukum 2021 Student)
“Alhamdulillah it was excellent. May Allah accept everyone's efforts for providing this gift in Ramadan bi'idhnillah. A real blessing alhamdulillah.”
- Itrat Azad (Parent of Khairukum 2021 student)
"Alhamdulillahi rabil alaameen for my teacher who has helped me a lot. Mashallah, she identified my issues right away and has begun to help me work on them. I appreciate her for taking the time with me to help get me on the right track with reading in Arabic. May Allah bless her and all of you and your families for all you do. Ameen."
- Fatimah Smith (Khairukum 2020 Student)
“Dar-us-Salaam’s Khairukum program is exactly what I needed to connect with the Qur’an this Ramadan. Our Qur’an teacher helped us improve our recitation, from correcting our pronunciation of the letters, to reminding us of Tajweed rules. I would highly recommend it to others!”
- Soubia Balkhi (Khairukum 2020 Student)
"As a volunteer at the Quran Institute, I was able to help teach Quran and meet amazing and devoted Muslims. Being involved with the Quran Institute helps keep me connected with a community that always encourages me to be better, and where I feel right at home. Those who lead it are dedicated, and endlessly striving to make it the best they can. The program has, Alhumdulillah, been incredibly successful in bringing the Quran into the lives of so many, and it has helped me connect a lot more with the Quran. Being a part of this program is an honor, and I have been blessed with the opportunity to be a part of this noble cause."
- Maryam Iyer (Quran Institute Volunteer, 2019-2020)
"I would like to take this opportunity to thank the Quran institute for having a class for sisters only, led by a very learned Ustada in the summer of 2019, and offering it at no cost. This class was amazing, and a very beneficial and great learning experience for me. The class was open to sisters of any age, who knew how to read from the mushaf. The Ustada not only helped us memorize the surah, she also gave a beautiful tafseer about it. The class inspired me to read more and practice what I learned. May Allah (subhana was taala) put baraka in this program and flourish them with more students who want to learn the book of Allah and come closer to their deen."
- Shirin Ishaq (Student in the Quran Institute Summer Community Classes of 2019)
'When I was first contacted last summer to teach in the Quran Institute, I thought it would be a good way to spend my weekends, but when I started working there I fell in love with the students and the environment. Quran Institute is like a big family where everyone has each other’s backs. Its mission is to not only teach students of different levels to read the Quran but to connect with it as well. The energy and dedication of all the staff and the students is amazing and very motivating. I am really glad that Allah gave me the chance to work at the Quran Institute and experience the joy of being around the wonderful people who work there, Alhamdullilah! "
- Suad Esayed (Quran Institute Teacher, 2019-2020)
"I really like the Quran Institute at Dar-us-Salaam. The teachers are very nice. I liked making new friends in the class, and the older students were very nice to me.
First, I went to the Tuesday and Thursday classes. Then, my Mum also added me to the weekend classes. I really liked my teachers. May Allah reward them. I learned a lot."
- Merium Ahmad (age 7 years, Student in the Quran Institute, 2019-2020)
"The Quran Institute for me was encouraging and supportive. We usually think of weekend schools as being for children, but that’s not true. The Quran institute was just the environment I needed, as an adult learner, to gain confidence in moving forward with my journey with the Quran! So grateful for this weekend program!"
- Sarah Sanchez (Student in the Quran Institute, 2019-2020)
"The Quran Institute has allowed me to teach what has been taught to me at a young age, here at Al-Huda School. Other than the tremendous amount of blessings we may earn on the Day of Judgment, simply being able to inspire young students is a worldly blessing I’ve had the opportunity to have in my life!
It’s not only about teaching them, rather it’s about me building an everlasting bond with the student and impacting their life in a positive way! It’s unbelievable when we realize how many young ones have been impacted by the Quran Institute program, and the amount we will impact in the future as well, in shaa Allah!
I don’t plan on stopping at all, rather I aim to continue motivating many more students, and to give them the proper teachings to pursue their dream of memorizing the Quran, in shaa Allah."
-Habeeb Hijazi (Quran Institute Teacher, 2018-2019 & Teacher in the Khairukum 2020 Program)